Net Metering is the excess electricity your system may produce and is sent back on to the grid for your neighbors to use. Your utility will credit each Kilowatt Hour you send, and convert the value to cash which is applied to your monthly electric bill, or if you choose, may be applied to another account (within the same utility).
Some electric meters will run backwards, while newer meters will record “purchase” kilowatts (usually position 4) and “sales” kilowatts (usually position 10) separately. With the newer meters the sales and purchases are itemized on your bill, and in the event of a on going credit, carry that amount to your next bill … utilities will not send you a check.
To see Dept. of Energy Resources info on Net-Metering go to:
The Joint Committee on Telecommunications Utilities and Energy , chaired by Senator Downing and Representative Keenan held a public hearing on March 11 on several net metering bills, as well as PACE funding for Energy Efficiency and Renewables and the Massachusetts Broadband Initiative. The majority of testimony presented to the legislators focused on the net metering issue and in favor of the bills introduced by Rep. Smizek H 3901 and Senator Petrucelli SB2019 which maintains the status quo growth of new net metered capacity through to Dec. 31,2016 and charges a commission to recommend enduring guidelines for net metering.
MASOA testified in favor of these two bills and against S 2030 , a net metering bill put forth to restrict new capacity and levy new charges on solar equipped facilities.
All members and solar supporters need to send email, letters, or phone their legislators to voice their support for SB 2019 and H 3901.