Monthly Archives: February 2014

Welcome New Members — Boston SRECII Hearing

After beginning our new member campaign in earnest in December 2013 we are getting new sign ups every week and we are well on the way to getting the required membership to go the next phase of becoming a non-profit organization. So if you have been saying to yourself, I really should join MASOA, this would be a great time to go ahead and become a member. It is truly easy, just click on membership from our home page, go to Member levels and click, the rest takes less than five minutes including payment by PayPal.

On January 24th Founders John Livermore and Tom Thompson along with Interim Treasurer, Chris Kilfoyle and Secretary, Chris Smith attended a hearing at the State House on proposed new SRECII regulations. Mr. Smith voiced MASOA overview of proposed changes and submitted more detailed remarks to the DOER. In summary MASOA is very concerned that overall the amount of solar growth will decline drastically undermining the Governor’s goal of 1600 MW by 2020. The proposed changes will only encourage unregulated solar leasing by out-of-state large capital investors as Commonwealth Solar incentives end in June 2014 and threaten the future of small solar installers and solar ownership in Massachusetts. As a member you may read these issues in full in our January member newsletter.