Monthly Archives: July 2014

Why Not JUST Amend Current Net Metering Law?

RaiseCapLogoA little over an hour into a meeting with Representative Kulik on July 7th, answering his questions and giving him a presentation on MASOA’s five amendment proposals to fix and correct H4185 (click here), he made this simple, yet perfect suggestion, “if the one issue that we can all agree on is that the Net Metering capacity needs to be increased to insure that solar PV growth in Massachusetts is not disrupted, then why not add an amendment to another bill (like the Environmental Bond Bill) to do just that.” This would take the pressure off the Ways & Means Committee to try and fix H4185, and still send it flawed and full of incomplete changes to the House for a vote. With the insurance of Net Metering being addressed as an add-on to another bill that is likely to pass in both houses, the changes and proposals in H4185 can go back to the DOER where the Mass. Solar Stakeholders who were denied input and opinion can do so in a transparent and democratic method not unlike the process to enact SRECII just this past April.

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