DeLeoThe State Senate has voted unanimously to amend S1979 (click here) to lift the cap on Net Metering up to 1600MW, improve and protect Community Shared Solar, and to plan for future solar policies after December 31, 2016. BUT Speaker DeLeo, like Governor Baker, believes that not raising the Net Meter Cap will not have any negative effect on the growth of solar installations despite the fact that NGRID has shut down solar projects in 171 communities in their service territories; even despite numerous emails, phone calls, letters and newspaper/TV stories clearly and factually state they are plain wrong. If the cap is not lifted or at bare minimum, increased, solar installations will grind to a halt in the next six months. Since June it is estimated that 15 solar industry workers are getting laid off daily, and if DeLeo and Baker get their way, state solar companies, both small and large, will face bankruptcy … not because of lack of work, but because legislators are doing the bidding of utility corporate donors instead of what is best for our state workers, renewable energy and our environment.

If you are reading this, we need your help NOW! Send an email, or better still make a phone call to tell Speaker DeLeo to allow the House to vote on S1973 before July 30th, here is his email:, his phone in boston: 617-722-2500, his phone in Revere: 781-289-8965. Call daily and email often.

Also, do not forget to tell your local representative (click here) that we want them to vote in favor of S1979, and to ask DeLeo to present bill S1979 for a vote before July 30, 2015.

Posted in: Uncategorized.
Last Modified: July 25, 2015

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